This is my first written article, aimed to give you some of my insight. I am currently involved with the Occupy movement, however; I've been on my mission and purpose some time before my involvement in Occupy. I started my journey way back when I was graduating from high school. Instead of graduating that day, I was spending my time in jail. I knew at that very moment, that even though I was spending time in jail, I was in no way missing out on anything that is usually associated with graduating from high school and that I had only missed out on receiving a piece of paper.
While this might sound odd to those that had not opened their eyes; I knew that it was only the beginning of my very long journey and proceeded in the weeks after my release to obtain my GED. It took me only a couple of days to complete the entire GED requirements and I would have completed them even faster, but was only allowed to take a few of them in one day.
Fast forward some 20 years, as I was fired from the last full time job that I held, at the age of 28, I was given the opportunity to start a great depth of self reflection and realized that the only way to make it in this life, was with what you made for yourself. Me being a studying man, I proceed to use the internet more of an information tool as I had used it before as a gathering tool.
I began my life as a information gatherer. Since that time, I have gone through hours of footage, and pages of information giving me the understanding that I have now, on some of the simple concepts of life, and learned to apply them to some of the more complex of life's challenges. All along, I learned to release all of the physical possessions that were instrumental in holding me back, and I was able to start seeing exactly where I wanted my life to go. While I was able to see this, I was able also to take a look at some of the people in my life, and how they may have an effect on my life, whether I realized it or not. I then clamped down and tighten up my immediate circle of connection, and decided then that unless there was an over abundant amount of positive energy being radiated from individuals, they were usually not someone that I would spend very much time around. This started my understanding of my spirituality and a long with some more study and self reflections, by the age of 30, I was well on my way to being the very most of me.
Well at this point is probably a very good time to start explaining some of the ideals and concepts behind the POWER OF ME ideal.
Being the very most of me
The most me any me could be
Bringing out the very most of others allowing them to be the very most of themselves
Realizing your purpose
Being the very most of me
The most me any me could be
Bringing out the very most of others allowing them to be the very most of themselves
Realizing your purpose
So I have a saying that usually either freaks people out when they hear it, or someone totally gets it, and become even more engaged in what I am saying.
So I have a saying that usually either freaks people out when they hear it, or someone totally gets it, and become even more engaged in what I am saying.
I am the very most of me, more me than any me could be, I've been this me my whole life.
Let's look at what that means, piece by piece.
I am the very most of me. What does that mean to you? Take a few moments and think about what that may mean.
To me it means that no matter what situation in life I have ever been in, nor that I will ever go through, I understand that I've been the me in that situation. I've excepted the fact that no matter the situation, I was suppose to get from it exactly what I suppose to get or that I got. If it had been any other way, then something about me would be different. Think about any situation that you yourself have gone through. Good or bad, you went through those situations, you were suppose to go through them so that you would be the exact person that you are now. Now is the tough part. Accept it. Accept that any situation that you went through... again, whether it was something positive or some negative time or situation in your life; that you were suppose to go through that, and it happened exactly for you as it was suppose to. Had it not, you would not be the exact person that you are now.
Let's look at what that means, piece by piece.
I am the very most of me. What does that mean to you? Take a few moments and think about what that may mean.
To me it means that no matter what situation in life I have ever been in, nor that I will ever go through, I understand that I've been the me in that situation. I've excepted the fact that no matter the situation, I was suppose to get from it exactly what I suppose to get or that I got. If it had been any other way, then something about me would be different. Think about any situation that you yourself have gone through. Good or bad, you went through those situations, you were suppose to go through them so that you would be the exact person that you are now. Now is the tough part. Accept it. Accept that any situation that you went through... again, whether it was something positive or some negative time or situation in your life; that you were suppose to go through that, and it happened exactly for you as it was suppose to. Had it not, you would not be the exact person that you are now.
This is quite an easy one, but some folks have the hardest time with it. Think about a time in your life, that you tried something, and just failed miserably. No matter how many times, you tried it, no matter what it was, no matter how you tried to prepare for it, you still just sucked it up. Did you figure out a particular time or situation that this has happened to you? Now, sit and remember and think completely about that situation. How did you feel? What was the particular situation? How did you end up participating in that situation? Now think about situations that you just totally end up a rock star in. You remember that situation? Of course you do, and how you felt, and why you were doing it too.
This is quite an easy one, but some folks have the hardest time with it. Think about a time in your life, that you tried something, and just failed miserably. No matter how many times, you tried it, no matter what it was, no matter how you tried to prepare for it, you still just sucked it up. Did you figure out a particular time or situation that this has happened to you? Now, sit and remember and think completely about that situation. How did you feel? What was the particular situation? How did you end up participating in that situation? Now think about situations that you just totally end up a rock star in. You remember that situation? Of course you do, and how you felt, and why you were doing it too.
Exactly.... it is usually those situations that you totally agree or the ones that you ignite your engagement in, that you perform at your best. Think about the kid in jr high who joins whatever sports team because it seems as the popular thing to do, rather than the kid who participates in something that he has done all his days up until that point. Of course the one doing the thing that he naturally agrees with, performs with a higher degree of enthusiasm and usually with a higher degree of success or accomplishment. It's because the one doing what he enjoys naturally is usually doing what allows him to be the very most of himself and he is acting in his nature.
By being the most of yourself, you then in turn can allow others to be the most of themselves too. Sounds pretty simple and straightforward right? But if it is the case, then why do we have such concepts as peer pressure? Again, let's go back to our jr high school kid and his encounters with peer pressure. So all his life, this kid's dad has given him football in ideals, and in practice. Meanwhile, whenever said kid is not around his father, his natural attraction is science. He is probably never going to get any better at football, and also never get to become the scientist that he was suppose to be. You see it? The kid likes mixing chemicals, and his dad forces him into pigskins. The kid then in turn grows up some middle management sales jerk that has no respect for anyone, and due to his "missed" opportunity in science, forces science onto his son, who it turns out, is the next football hall of famer. It can go on back and forth for generations if no one is ever allowed to be themselves and thus end up with no around these kids turn adults ever getting to enjoy the persons these people were to be. This endless cycle can be stopped simple by each one of being encouraged toward our natural selves, instead of some of the other motivations that guide how we are encouraged.(ie:peers or societal) When we live with expectations that take us outside of ourselves, we then do the most damage to our own point of views.
By being the most of yourself, you then in turn can allow others to be the most of themselves too. Sounds pretty simple and straightforward right? But if it is the case, then why do we have such concepts as peer pressure? Again, let's go back to our jr high school kid and his encounters with peer pressure. So all his life, this kid's dad has given him football in ideals, and in practice. Meanwhile, whenever said kid is not around his father, his natural attraction is science. He is probably never going to get any better at football, and also never get to become the scientist that he was suppose to be. You see it? The kid likes mixing chemicals, and his dad forces him into pigskins. The kid then in turn grows up some middle management sales jerk that has no respect for anyone, and due to his "missed" opportunity in science, forces science onto his son, who it turns out, is the next football hall of famer. It can go on back and forth for generations if no one is ever allowed to be themselves and thus end up with no around these kids turn adults ever getting to enjoy the persons these people were to be. This endless cycle can be stopped simple by each one of being encouraged toward our natural selves, instead of some of the other motivations that guide how we are encouraged.(ie:peers or societal) When we live with expectations that take us outside of ourselves, we then do the most damage to our own point of views.
The most important fact about point of views is to remember that they are unique to each and everyone one of us. We of course find friends, mates, significant other, causes, and many other things in which the link between those things and ourselves is the similar point of views; however, when we loose focus on our own point of view is when we start to take away from our natural selves. How many times, do we give in to parents, authorities, significant others, religious believes; and again any number of other things? Too many, and the thing to remember is that no matter if its a teacher, your pastor or priest at your local church, even your parents; YOU and you alone are the only person that knows exactly how you understand anything and even in the case with your understanding and practice with a higher power, are responsible for your point of view or understanding. So if you are going to take responsibility for your point of view, it only makes sense that it should totally be yours.
The most important fact about point of views is to remember that they are unique to each and everyone one of us. We of course find friends, mates, significant other, causes, and many other things in which the link between those things and ourselves is the similar point of views; however, when we loose focus on our own point of view is when we start to take away from our natural selves. How many times, do we give in to parents, authorities, significant others, religious believes; and again any number of other things? Too many, and the thing to remember is that no matter if its a teacher, your pastor or priest at your local church, even your parents; YOU and you alone are the only person that knows exactly how you understand anything and even in the case with your understanding and practice with a higher power, are responsible for your point of view or understanding. So if you are going to take responsibility for your point of view, it only makes sense that it should totally be yours.
In all of the concepts that we have talked about thus far, this one might be the most challenging to deal with. In my search for my purpose, I had to do a lot of searching from within. I had to make a lot of mistakes. Wait, let me say that one again, I had to make a looooooot of mistakes. We all have to make many mistakes, and not be afraid to make them. I do not mean to make the same ones over and over, that is not what mistakes are for, but what mistakes are for is lesson learning. Down my path of learning of my purpose, I had to learn how to come to terms to what purpose was set out for me. Now, in no way am I guaranteed of anything that I have realized as my purpose to actually be my purpose, but I can guess and accept that at some point in time, it may be revealed to me that I was mistaken, and that the purpose that I believe is mine, is actually not mine at all. And then at such time, I will have to search through all that led me to believe that it was mine and discover again, something that maybe show me toward my actual path. But if you notice something of a trend being set here, you can start to see that understanding our purposes is very reachable.
In all of the concepts that we have talked about thus far, this one might be the most challenging to deal with. In my search for my purpose, I had to do a lot of searching from within. I had to make a lot of mistakes. Wait, let me say that one again, I had to make a looooooot of mistakes. We all have to make many mistakes, and not be afraid to make them. I do not mean to make the same ones over and over, that is not what mistakes are for, but what mistakes are for is lesson learning. Down my path of learning of my purpose, I had to learn how to come to terms to what purpose was set out for me. Now, in no way am I guaranteed of anything that I have realized as my purpose to actually be my purpose, but I can guess and accept that at some point in time, it may be revealed to me that I was mistaken, and that the purpose that I believe is mine, is actually not mine at all. And then at such time, I will have to search through all that led me to believe that it was mine and discover again, something that maybe show me toward my actual path. But if you notice something of a trend being set here, you can start to see that understanding our purposes is very reachable.
One thing that helped me learn to use all these tools and understanding in becoming the person that is the very most of me, and living in accord to my purpose is the know how to use the tools that we are each given in life. There are a few fundamental tools that we all have and possess that will help us along our paths. I have tried to gather them in simple understandable explanations, so that I can share them here in this article.
Default: The Basic Tools of Path Exploration
Dynamic Communication
Dynamic Vision
Dynamic Understanding
Dynamic Communication
Dynamic Vision
Dynamic Understanding
These terms are given to you as basics, as taken from a collection of writings that I am doing and then will release at a date tbd.
So let's start....
Basically the concept here, is that we all have basic auditory functionality. (This is not to offend anyone that may not have full functionality of either of the parts that I am going to explain.)
Basic Auditory Part 1: Mouth
We all know what our mouths are, and since our first words, we have used them for communication, and as intake mechanisms during our process of body replenishment(ie: eating, drinking...)
We use our mouths as our main communication tool. I mean the one that we have control of, well most of us anyhow. But do how many of us really pay attention to what comes out of our mouths. The sounds we make, the potential of sounds that we are able to make. We focus on what words we use, but in their very basic forms, words are just sounds that have been strung together and given meaning. But what do we know about the sounds themselves? Do you know that the sounds you make, have a reflection on how you are perceived? The words themselves also have the same effect actually, and well again, words are just a string of sounds that have been given meaning.
We all know what our mouths are, and since our first words, we have used them for communication, and as intake mechanisms during our process of body replenishment(ie: eating, drinking...)
We use our mouths as our main communication tool. I mean the one that we have control of, well most of us anyhow. But do how many of us really pay attention to what comes out of our mouths. The sounds we make, the potential of sounds that we are able to make. We focus on what words we use, but in their very basic forms, words are just sounds that have been strung together and given meaning. But what do we know about the sounds themselves? Do you know that the sounds you make, have a reflection on how you are perceived? The words themselves also have the same effect actually, and well again, words are just a string of sounds that have been given meaning.
Basic Auditory Part 2: Ears
Just like with our mouths, we have as standard issue, ears. You know them, they hang at the sides of your head, and allow for sound to travel into your brain, and be processed. This process is called hearing. We all hear.(Again, no offensive is meant toward anyone that cannot hear) We hear all kinds of sounds, anything from the spew that comes out of others mouths when they talk, or sing, the sounds of musical instruments, all kinds of sounds. Well guess what, when was the last time anyone really heard or listened to the sounds that they heard. Pretty crazy right? You heard them so you assume that this is getting pretty crazy now, right? But really; when was the last time you actually just listened? The sounds that we hear can be just as forming of ourselves as those that we project with our mouths. So just as important as it is to be mindful of the sounds that we project, it is just as equally important to be mindful of the ones that we are taking in.
Just like with our mouths, we have as standard issue, ears. You know them, they hang at the sides of your head, and allow for sound to travel into your brain, and be processed. This process is called hearing. We all hear.(Again, no offensive is meant toward anyone that cannot hear) We hear all kinds of sounds, anything from the spew that comes out of others mouths when they talk, or sing, the sounds of musical instruments, all kinds of sounds. Well guess what, when was the last time anyone really heard or listened to the sounds that they heard. Pretty crazy right? You heard them so you assume that this is getting pretty crazy now, right? But really; when was the last time you actually just listened? The sounds that we hear can be just as forming of ourselves as those that we project with our mouths. So just as important as it is to be mindful of the sounds that we project, it is just as equally important to be mindful of the ones that we are taking in.
Dynamic Vision
Pretty straight forward this one. We use our eyes. But what are our eyes? Besides being those bugged eyes balls in the middle of our heads, they also act as our sensors that most of us use as guidance tools. I mean take this test for a moment and see what I mean. Close your eyes and try to walk around the room you're in. Pretty difficult right? Without our eyes, navigating is pretty difficult. But wait... there are blind folks that do it all the time. So what is it? Why are they able to do it, and we are not. It is important to understand what is going on with the eyes, and how to use them to their most effectiveness. Did you know that there is even the possibility to have a third eye? What?!!! A third eye just blows your mind. But its true, and more so than even your eyes that you see, it is used also for navigating. The third eye is probably more important than the two that you see, and is what truly gives you your senses, or your sense of direction, and thereby is the true tool of vision. It is the one that the other two connect into. It is the one that your brain even connects into. This third eye is why are able to feel danger, or when you feel comfortable, and know it, is sometimes the most difficult of all things to master. But following along this path as we journey together, you'll too be able to rely solely on this third eye, and understand its functionality.
Dynamic Understanding
Wow, at this point, we've been learning about all these great tools that each and every one of us possess, and if only they had told us about them in such fashion when we were young, how would we be now, or who would we be? Is it possible that we could all be the Buddha? Could it be possible that we each and every one of us have the possibility to know all that there is to know? To know all that there is in the Universe even? Just think how well, any test that you have taken would be, for you if you had all this knowledge? Well, what if I told you it is? Absolutely... Let me say it for you again. It is very possible for everyone on the planet, and everyone thing, or person in the Universe to know of everything else, and everyone else. This is the ideal behind Dynamic Understanding. Ok, here is an example. (This is not a religious debate, so let's not make it into one) Ok, let's look at those who look for clarity, they pray, they ask friends, or elders, or go to someone who is said to be an authority in any given subject, so that they may receive some kind of answer. And with said answer, the information can be applied to whatever seems to be an issue or problem. So as an example, you want to know the answer to a math problem, you ask your math teacher. You want answers to what your life journey is, you ask your higher power. All these methods include you asking or speaking to someone.
What if I told you, that the very most thing that you should be prepared to do is to listen. That's right... The Buddha even, even though he asked questions of those around him at times, spent most of his life listening. But listening to what? Did you know that Buddha spent majority of his life in solitude? So if he was alone, what or who was he listening to? How about himself? Yep... Just to himself. He studied everything he heard himself say. See from deep within, we have this voice that is our own, only we can hear it, and chances are, is that it is the only one that we need. Ok, seems like you need an example here. I'll make this easy though. I don't want to hurt brains here, just give you an example of why you should listen to your inner voice, instead of some others' external voice. Ok, if you will, if you are in a house with a stove, go to said stove and turn it on. Ok, now that its on, gone ahead and stick your hand in the flames and just leave it there. Ok, how did that work out for you? (In case you don't hear your little voice right off, please do not stick your hand in the flames. Me and your little voice are saying the same thing in this case. That's going to hurt!!!!) Ok, so for those of you who might have been able to pay attention to how you felt as you might have tried to start sticking your hand in the fire. That feeling or something in the very back of your mind telling you that it's not such a good ideal... That there is your inner voice. That is the very basic thoughts that anyone of us have that helps us navigate through this thing we call life. That voice has been there since birth actually, and probably before then even. I mean, when babies communicate with themselves, they have no ideal how to make sounds string together to make words...
The voice is very powerful and if you tune your life to that little voice, finding your purpose and know the path to reach that purpose becomes a hell of a lot easier.
The voice is very powerful and if you tune your life to that little voice, finding your purpose and know the path to reach that purpose becomes a hell of a lot easier.
I've given you quite a bit to bite off there, and I feel that at this point is a great time to end the article and let you just sit back and chew on this for some time. I write this article and will write others like this in an effort to help us all have a better opportunity to reach the persons that are the very most of each one of us, thereby affording us all the opportunities to reach our purposes and helping this world be.... well be back in harmony.
I want to end by saying that I am not an authority on anything, and should not be taken as such. I do like to discuss this subject very much and invite all of you to join me in discussion always. Of course, I am like anyone else, and always have so much more to learn. In my journey on my path to reach the fullness of what is my purpose, I share this information with you and only is my personal point of view.
I am also in the middle of writing so that a collection of my writings can be put together to be given in full one day on a date tbd.
If you would like to support me in my efforts or just would like show support with any other projects that I am working on Please feel free to send a donation to my PayPal account. Any size donation is way more than just appreciated.
This has been our time together and I give you my peace, some positive energy and do it all out of love.
Thank you
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