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Jan 14, 2012

Why We Are All Needed

Being outside the country looking in, is saddening. 
Americans have never seen freedom. The alarm is going off, its time to wake up!
In Solidarity -Cory

"This is a call to action. I feel like I need to make a plea. Saddening is that most of you will never read or hear this. But it is for the ears and eyes of all of you." -RdnTmsn

How long before its going to be in your city too? Oh wait, it probably already is. Hardly anything could be so cushy. No one is truly "safe". And nothing about anything that they have done or are doing is making us safer.

Go ahead, look up the news and information that is being spread by the Occupy Movement, hopefully this kind of video will not have you in it. Whether you are occupying a local park, or if you are just spreading messages through talks. The time is now. In fact, we're acting too late. So take this opportunity to share a piece of information. Something that the rest of us, can use. The very most that a human or mankind can hope for is that we would all stick together. How many of you are sure of your stability? Has it occurred to anyone that things will not get any better? And certainly if each and every one of us will not and are without actions to make it better. 

Certainly it's time for something new. Not a new leader. Not another fancy termed system. Not even anything other than us all working together to get things on course. Or to make things right.

Alone no few can say the right of the majority. One man is not going to be able to pave the way. The only way we are going to be able to do it, is if we are all involved. We all stand to loose something from this. Or that we all stand to loose more, in that we already have lost enough and can not stand to loose anymore. 

For more information, checkout the following:

And these are just a few that you can share. There are so many more examples.

I am one man. While I will always remain steadfast in my diligent pursuance for the togetherness of all of us, I am however just one man. There are hundreds; even thousands and millions of others like me. However this is still not enough. We need the collective of humankind; only to stand up and start taking back our power. All it takes is that each and every one of you to mass together, and together side by side, let's all get us into a better world. 

Again, I stand in solidarity with each and every one of you. I have it within me and with all that I am doing. I am surrounded by many whom become my brothers and sisters. I am all the way in this with you, and you are in this with me. We are not going anywhere., nor will we continue to sit back and hide. 

Our message is loud, and our message is strong. You can hear it as it comes in on the wind. You can see the evidence of it around you. There is no other way and it will soon be. 

If you stand in solidarity with us, you too will make it through this. As long as we all stick together, we all can make the necessary change.

It will be only those that continue alone, and believe that they will fend for self that will have a problem with this. Or those that are one; a 1% versus a majority, the 99%

Please for all purposes listen to and heed the call. We! Are all the 99%!!!

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